The nameMatchScore parameter in the result determines:

  • Whether or not a particular name was matched (a value of 0 or 1)
  • How much of that name was matched (a value between 0.000 and 1.000)

For more info on how Name-Match Scoring works, please check How does Name-Match Scoring work?

What is a Name-Match Score threshold?
This threshold determines the minimum Name-Match Score required to get a pass/true result. It can be a figure between 0.000 and 1.000.

What is the nameMatchScore threshold for each data source?
Apart from a few data sources (mentioned below), the default NMS threshold for all services is 0.900. That means a score equal to or greater than 0.900 will be required in order to consider a name as matched.

Data Sources that have a different NMC threshold:

Data Source
NMS Threshold
Switzerland Credit Bureau
Malaysia Credit Bureau & Malaysia National ID
Vietnam National ID & Vietnam Social Security

Can the NMS threshold be customized according to an organization's needs?
Yes, we can apply a preference at the user or organization level to set all matches below a certain threshold to come back as a failed search. So for instance, if you think an NMS threshold of 0.500 for Vietnam is too low for the verifications that your company will be performing, we can increase that to a value that suits your organization's needs.

In case there is still confusion about this topic, please raise a ticket at our Support Portal or connect with us via Live Chat. We'll be happy to assist you further.