If you are getting unexpected results from a request and would like the support team to investigate, please create a new ticket in our Support Portal - https://datazoo.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new.
If you are unable to raise a support ticket, please send an email to Support@DataZoo.com. Please ensuring you include the following information regarding your request:
- The submission and completion times of the request.
- The data source selected and the search criteria input.
- A copy of the request input and output JSON (if possible). And,
- The request’s Reporting Reference. The Reporting Reference can be obtained through either the IDU interface OR the output XML/JSON you’ve received:
{ "countryCode": "New Zealand", "clientReference": "Weekly Monitoring", "reportingReference": "DZ-fda566e8-f365-4524-a5f7-f7e5114359bc", "matchStatus": "Full Match 1+1 Verification", "searchErrorMessage": "", "safeHarbour": false, "searchStatus": "Successful", "serviceResponses": { "New Zealand DIA Birth": { "status": 0, "sourceStatus": "Successful", "errorMessage": "", "identityVerified": true, "safeHarbourScore": "M2", "nameMatchScore": "1.000", "addressMatchScore": "N/A", "verifications": { "dateOfBirth": true, "firstName": true, "lastName": true, "middleName": true }, "returnedData": {} } } }
See Line 3