If two or more data sources are used to perform a search, the value of the searchStatus will depend on the sourceStatus of all the data sources used.
The three possible values of searchStatus are 'Successful', 'Partial' and 'NotSuccessful'

The relation between the sourceStatus and searchStatus field is summarized in the table below. For the ease of understanding, two data sources have been taken, however, the same rules apply if more more than two data sources are used.

Data Source

Individual sourceStatusOverall searchStatus
Data Source 1SuccessfulSuccessful
Data Source 2Successful

Data Source 1SuccessfulPartial
Data Source 2Not Successful

Data Source 1Not SuccessfulPartial
Data Source 2Successful

Data Source 1Not SuccessfulNotSuccessful
Data Source 2Not Successful

Further explanation:

  • If the sourceStatus of all the data sources is Successful, the searchStatus will also be Successful.
  • If the sourceStatus of at least one data source is Successful and at least one data source has a souceStatus of Not Successful, then the searchStatus will be Partial.
  • If the sourceStatus of all the data sources is Not Successful, the searchStatus will be NotSuccessful.