Cross Border Verification provides the capability to verify an individual across borders using services in different countries, all in a single request.
"countryCode": "Global",
"service": [
"China ID Verification",
"Australia Visa",
"Watchlist AML"
"clientReference": "CBVtest_001",
"fullName": "黄俊龙",
"firstName": "Jun",
"middleName": "Long",
"lastName": "Huang",
"dateOfBirth": "1988-07-22",
"consentObtained": {
"Australia Visa": true,
"China ID Verification": true
"identityVariables": {
"idCardNo": "422822198807221014",
"passportNo": "EF5794508",
"passportIssuerCountry": "CHN"
Keeping Watchlist AML aside for now, the two services used, China ID Verification and Australia Visa, are from two different countries thus allowing for cross-border verification in a single request.
If you need help with using this service or with anything else, please raise a ticket at our Support Portal.