Overview of feature

Send individual identity verification requests to your customers from the IDUX Flow platform. 


How it works

Platform users are able to trigger a unique link via SMS or email with the Send Request feature. 

  1. On the platform home page, click on Send Request

  2. Under “Choose your preferred method of communication” enter:

    1. Name

    2. Email OR Phone Number

    3. Consent

  3. Then click Send Request

An email or a SMS will be sent to the identity owner with a unique link to start the identity verification process following the same existing parameters as any other ID verification on your account.

Link lifecycle


  1. As a default, links expire in 24h, unless specified otherwise on system parameters.

  2. Once the identity verification is complete, the link will not initiate any other new ID verification process regardless the verification outcome. Nevertheless, re-attempts are allowed according to system parameters within the same session.

  3. Should the identity owner initiate the ID verification journey but drops-out mid flow, the link continues to be active until the expiration time limit is reached.

  4. Expired links do not allow for a new identity verification journey to start. 

  5. Links can be resent from Send Request page and once this is complete, identity owners will receive a brand-new unique link to complete a new ID verification.

  6. Platform users can send as many link requests as needed.

  7. Links cannot be inactivated.

Note: The system runs basic field validation for e-mail and phone number. This means that we will help platform users to type valid contact information. However, unfortunately, mistyping cannot be avoided.