
The overall verification statuses of Successful, Unsuccessful and Consider can be changed at any given time considering the personal details of the verification are still visible on the platform. This means that for any particular reason applicable to individual criteria of the company, should a verification status need to be changed, it can be accomplished through the platform. A trail of the activity becomes available should audit is performed in the future.


How it works

If, after review, you believe the status of the verification requires an update, you can do so by following these steps:

Go to: Verifications > Select an individual verification > On the top right corner dots > Change Verification Status


The next screen displays a summary containing the identity owner’s full name and the current status of verification.


On the New status drop down > Select the available status for update.

If the current status is Successful, it can be updated to Unsuccessful or Consider.

If the current status is Unsuccessful, it can be updated to Successful or Consider.

If the current status is Consider, it can be updated to Successful or Unsuccessful.


Once the new status is selected, choose and select a reason for this change. 

Should the reason not be listed, please select Other and give details behind the reason for this change.

Note: any information informed under Other will not be hashed and will continue visible after the personal details can no longer be read. Be careful and do not provide personal identifiable information on this field.




What the verification details look like after the update

The overall status of the verification is now updated. This activity is displayed under the Overview tab and also under the Activity tab for trail and audit purposes.

The Trust Score and modules results will not change and can be referred in the future.



The update is also described in the PDF document of the verification available for download.

For that go to: Verifications > Select an individual verification > Export PDF


Verification status update through API

Anytime a verification has had its status amended, we will send via API the following pieces of information from the database.

  1. TransactionId of the Verification

  2. Timestamp of the change in status

  3. Original Status

  4. Changed From (status)

  5. Changed To (status)

  6. User who made the change

  7. Reason for the change