IDUX Flow provides detailed information regarding the results of a document verification and fraud indicators to support your analysis prior onboarding.


Primary and secondary documents verification can present the following results: 


API response = IDUX Flow response visible in the verification details

0 = Fully verified

1 = Partially verified (1 or more elements fail, still sufficient for identity verified)

2 = Not verified

3 = Source unavailable (data error)


Fraud indicator verification can present the following results: 


0 and/or 1 = Alert: a hit against the identity owner’s name was found in the data base

2 = Clear: nothing against the identity owner’s name has been found

3 = Source unavailable (data error)


Considering a data source provides a detailed element level response, this is indicated in the platform as per the following color guide:

:green_circle:  = Element verified

:red_circle:  = Element not verified

:yellow_circle:  = Fraud indicator hit

:white_circle: = Source unavailable/data error


Biometrics results are indicated as below:

:green_circle:  = Pass (result above threshold)

:red_circle:  = Fail (result below threshold)

:white_circle: = Not applicable/Module not configured for this account


To illustrate:

Open image-20240419-062327.png